Interval identification: Recognising tonal distances, with an exercise
Become a pro in interval identification. Every interval has its own character. Get to know and distinguish the different intervals. Test your knowledge with our exercise.
Become a pro in interval identification. Every interval has its own character. Get to know and distinguish the different intervals. Test your knowledge with our exercise.
A pentatonic is a scale consisting of 5 notes. Pentatonic scales are especially important for improvisation. If you want to play pieces of popular music, you will need them. We will show you the structure of a pentatonic major and minor scale.
Stage piano or home piano? Which one fits your needs better? We explain the differences and what you need to know to make a better decision.
To learn an instrument you have to practice a lot. But no worries. 10 tips show you how to learn so effectively that you make progress super fast.
Vivaldis Four Seasons is probably his most famous piece. We provide you its genesis and Vivaldis history.
♪♫ Dreaming of playing piano? ♪♫ Learn how to play piano with our Thirteen-Steps-Plan for free. We are happy to support you with video tutorials!
Orientation on the piano keyboard is essential for every piano player. In this guide we explain how the piano keyboard is structured and how you can learn it the fastest!
Is it even possible learning to play the piano as an adult? Of course it is! Discover how to play piano at any age.
There are many difficult piano pieces. We present five pieces that are so demanding that they were considered unplayable at times. Even today, they still demand skills from pianists that cannot be acquired through practice alone.
You love melancholic music like the soundtrack from The Fabulous World of Amelie? Learn to play the minor scale and get to know the base for many songs.